CloudWatch Synthetics Canary をnode.jsで記述する


const URL = require('url');
const synthetics = require('Synthetics');
const log = require('SyntheticsLogger');
const syntheticsConfiguration = synthetics.getConfiguration();

const loadBlueprint = async function () {

    const urls = [

    // Set screenshot option
    const takeScreenshot = true;

       continueOnStepFailure: true

    let page = await synthetics.getPage();

    for (const url of urls) {
        await loadUrl(page, url, takeScreenshot);

// Reset the page in-between
const resetPage = async function(page) {
    try {
        await page.goto('about:blank',{waitUntil: ['load', 'networkidle0'], timeout: 30000} );
    } catch(ex) {
        synthetics.addExecutionError('Unable to open a blank page ', ex);

const loadUrl = async function (page, url, takeScreenshot) {
    let stepName = null;
    let domcontentloaded = false;

    try {
        stepName = URL.parse(url).hostname;
    } catch (error) {
        const errorString = `Error parsing url: ${url}.  ${error}`;
        throw error;

    await synthetics.executeStep(stepName, async function () {

        const response = await page.goto(url, { waitUntil: ['domcontentloaded'], timeout: 30000});
        if (response) {
            domcontentloaded = true;
            const status = response.status();
            const statusText = response.statusText();

            const logResponseString = `Response from url: ${url}  Status: ${status}  Status Text: ${statusText}`;

            //If the response status code is not a 2xx success code
            if (response.status() < 200 || response.status() > 299) {
                throw `Failed to load url: ${url} ${response.status()} ${response.statusText()}`;
        } else {
            const logNoResponseString = `No response returned for url: ${url}`;
            throw new Error(logNoResponseString);

    // Wait for 15 seconds to let page load fully before taking screenshot.
    if (domcontentloaded && takeScreenshot) {
        await page.waitFor(15000);
        await synthetics.takeScreenshot(stepName, 'loaded');
        await resetPage(page);

const urls = [];

exports.handler = async () => {
    return await loadBlueprint();